Kano makes coding fun and interactive with easy-to-use tools and hands-on projects. While Editpad Answer Generator helps kids understand coding concepts with clear and simple explanations.
Kano makes coding fun and interactive with easy-to-use tools and hands-on projects. While Editpad Answer Generator helps kids understand coding concepts with clear and simple explanations.
Overwhelmed by the choices of coding language and don’t know where to start? Check our list of coding languages and give one of them a try!
Overwhelmed by the choices of coding language and don’t know where to start? Check our list of coding languages and give one of them a try!
Ever wondered how your favorite games were programmed and want to try and code one yourself? Check this guide on how to code a game!
Ever wondered how your favorite games were programmed and want to try and code one yourself? Check this guide on how to code a game!
Are you or your kids interested in coding? Want to know how to start programming? This guide is perfect for kids and parents who want to learn about coding!
Are you or your kids interested in coding? Want to know how to start programming? This guide is perfect for kids and parents who want to learn about coding!
Want to introduce programming to your kids? Help your kids get started with coding with the help of this guide by Kano!
Want to introduce programming to your kids? Help your kids get started with coding with the help of this guide by Kano!
It is a time that is specifically set aside for children, or adults, to use technology in a healthy manner.
It is a time that is specifically set aside for children, or adults, to use technology in a healthy manner.
Do you or your kids want to try programming but unsure how long before you can do so? We have a guide just for you!
Do you or your kids want to try programming but unsure how long before you can do so? We have a guide just for you!
When we were launched in 2013, through our record-breaking Kickstarter campaign, we set a new standard for brands everywhere.
When we were launched in 2013, through our record-breaking Kickstarter campaign, we set a new standard for brands everywhere.
Kano World is partnering with new friends to come back bigger, better, safer, and more fun than ever.
Kano World is partnering with new friends to come back bigger, better, safer, and more fun than ever.
A simple yet radical idea that would come to form the foundations of Kano as we know it.
A simple yet radical idea that would come to form the foundations of Kano as we know it.
At Kano, our ethos is simple. We make technology for creation, not just consumption. We strive to demystify the inner workings of technology in a fun, immersive, and collaborative way.
At Kano, our ethos is simple. We make technology for creation, not just consumption. We strive to demystify the inner workings of technology in a fun, immersive, and collaborative way.
At Kano, we believe that learning code, music, and art is for everyone — and now we can show you how!
At Kano, we believe that learning code, music, and art is for everyone — and now we can show you how!
Fast Company
Fast Company
Fast Company
Fast Company
USA Today
USA Today
Financial Times
Financial Times
CNN Tech
CNN Tech
Evening Standard
Evening Standard
Are you or your kid interested in trying out coding? Then this coding guide for beginners is for you!
Are you or your kid interested in trying out coding? Then this coding guide for beginners is for you!